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having issues with my motion detector. at times it just stops turning on the lights

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    having issues with my motion detector. at times it just stops turning on the lights

    hello, i have a simple setup
    a motion detector in my kitchen that turns on a insteon dimmer.
    it works 80% of the time.

    I have a couple of questions and i am not sure if this is the correct forum or not so i will try here first

    1) i would only like it to trigger the light during the day. I assume that is the "night only"
    what is night?
    is it hours?
    how does it determine ?
    is there somewhere i set the Timezone i am in ?
    the house info only shows DaylightSavings but no TZ

    thanks for any help

    I have included my settings
    "HouseID": 23424,
    "DeviceID": 333,
    "DeviceName": "Kitchen Motion",
    "InsteonID": "444",
    "DeviceType": 0,
    "DevCat": 16,
    "SubCat": 1,
    "IconID": 29,
    "AutoStatus": false,
    "CustomOn": "20",
    "CustomOff": "21",
    "EnableCustomOn": true,
    "EnableCustomOff": false,
    "DimLevel": 132,
    "RampRate": 0,
    "OperationFlags": 26,
    "LEDLevel": 14,
    "AlertsEnabled": false,
    "AlertOn": 0,
    "AlertOff": 0,
    "Favorite": false,
    "Humidity": false,
    "DayMask": 0,
    "OnTime": "",
    "OffTime": "",
    "TimerEnabled": false,
    "Group": 0,
    "FirmwareVersion": 65,
    "LinkWithHub": 0,
    "BeepOnPress": false,
    "LocalProgramLock": false,
    "BlinkOnTraffic": true,
    "ConfiguredGroups": 1,
    "InsteonEngine": 0,
    "SerialNumber": "xxxx",
    "DeviceTypeTraits": {
    "SecurityDevice": false,
    "TypeDescription": "Motion Sensor"
    "GroupList": []

    Night only mode depends on the ambient brightness.
    Message from Forum Admin: stusviews passed away in April 2018. Stu was a huge fan of Insteon and a huge presence on both the Smarthome and Insteon forums, helping thousands of us along the way (he had nearly 20,000 posts to his name). We thank him for his contributions, dedication, and passion for making the Smart Home a reality. He will truly be missed.
    Saving energy is not always free. Be a world saver.

