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Noob question about scheduling/scenes

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    Noob question about scheduling/scenes

    I'm coming to Insteon from 25+ years with X-10.

    One of the things I have with my X-10's ActiveHome software is the ability to set schedules to happen at an offset from Sunrise/Sunset--I don't see that as being available in the Insteon for Hub's software I used to use these multi-event schedules to dim a light at certain times.

    Also, where I could set multiple scheduled events on a single X-10 module (like on at 1 hr before sunset; dim to 50% at 10PM; dim to 5% at 10:30pm, Off at Sunrise + 1 hour), it appears that I have to use scenes for the that right?

    Alternatively, is there some other controller software out there that'll talk with the Insteon hub, but give me the flexibility I had with X-10's ActiveHome?

    As an entry level device, the Hub is not capable of conditionals. You'll need something more sophisticated (and costly) such as software or an ISY.
    Message from Forum Admin: stusviews passed away in April 2018. Stu was a huge fan of Insteon and a huge presence on both the Smarthome and Insteon forums, helping thousands of us along the way (he had nearly 20,000 posts to his name). We thank him for his contributions, dedication, and passion for making the Smart Home a reality. He will truly be missed.
    Saving energy is not always free. Be a world saver.


      I thought I'd write to Insteon with this question...Here's my question:

      Subject: Sunrise/Sunset offset

      Message: One thing that's lacking in the Insteon Hub or app is the ability
      to setup things (schedules or scenes) to occur at an offset from
      Sunrise/Sunset (like 30 min before sunset and 30 min after sunrise).
      I was wondering if this is a limitation of the Insteon for Hub apps (and as
      such, I have hope that it'll be added), or a limitation of the
      hardware/firmware in the Hub itself (where maybe a firmware update may add
      that feature)?

      And Insteon's reply:

      Hello Steve,

      Thank you for contacting Insteon support. I’m unsure if they are planning on adding this feature with the next firmware update or any time soon. Offsetting is Sunrise/Sunset schedule requires the Hub to rely on information derived from the router it’s connected to. However, this is not the first time we’ve heard this request and I’ll be sure to pass the message along to the developers.

      Best regards,


      Customer Solution Representative
      Direct: 949-221-0037
      Fax: 949-221-9241


        Yes, this is easy and free to do assuming you have an iPhone. Since all the reviews have noted how buggy the Insteon+ app is, I only use the Home app (previously the beta since June and now the official public version of iOS 10). iOS 10 Home app allows you to add the insteon hub and all the devices (by clicking the buttons on the actual devices), and the home app also allows you to easily set automations based on time including sunrise and sunset and other features such as grouping 3 ways and ways etc to appear as one device in the app (things that currently the insteon+ app cannot do). Hope this helps as I imagine the other people who commented aren't familiar with iOS 10.


          cchiera, I'm guessing that that needs the Hub with HomeKit (which I don't have...only the regular Hub).


            Depends on the Hub model. The 2242-xxx hub can talk to Houslinc if you have a Win 7 PC. The 2245-xxx model only works as advertised.

            If you have an iphone you could try using an app like Stringify. Insteon was just added to it.

            Otherwise Stu's suggestion of an ISY w/PLM, or Indigo w/PLM for Mac would be the way to go.

